Participant Registration Opens Sept. 1


Special Note from your Alumni Board about Lasallian Day of Service

Dear Fellow Alumni: 

By now you likely have received numerous emails encouraging you to join us for the Lasallian Day of Service on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023. As a member of the Saint Mary's Alumni Board, and Chair of the Service Committee, I want to personally invite you to participate in this special event. 

If you haven’t yet registered, please consider doing so soon. Registration is open through Friday, Oct. 27. Alternatively, if you are not able to participate on the 28th, please consider volunteering another day, or making a service donation, such as donating food. We will be counting the hours and measures of service to share the impact that Saint Mary's Alumni have on their communities, so please let us know if you participate.

I go by the adage that I might be a tiny person (in the big picture of the world), but I can provide small and incremental contributions that make the world (for others) a bit better.

The link for registering for the event (however you choose to participate) is: Register

Russ Barcelona B'82


As a Lasallian Volunteer, you dedicate yourself to serving others but in return find yourself changed.

Lasallian Day of Service was started by the Saint Mary's University Alumni Association as a day for alumni to volunteer in their communities - in the spirit of the Lasallian mission of service to others. Thanks to the efforts of our site leaders, we will have several volunteer opportunities set up in specific regions. However, no matter where you are located, you can do service at your favorite charity or donate clothing, food, or other items to help your communities.

While you are doing your part in service to your community, post a picture on your social media channels using #smumnldos23 and/or share photos with the alumni office at

If you register before Sept. 27, the Alumni Relations Office will send you a Saint Mary's Lasallian Day of Service t-shirt.