Let Us Remember...
We invite you to join us in prayer on Thursday, Nov. 2, All Souls Day, and throughout November in memory of our departed loved ones and in gratitude for those relationships we hold dear. In the Lasallian Catholic tradition, we recall them, particularly as we pray for the repose of their souls.
Saint John Baptist de La Salle, who in his Meditation 185.1 writes, “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead… [for] this is, indeed, one of the best and most holy instructions that can be given to us, because it leads us to do what is most advantageous for souls...” We invite you to unite with us in a prayer, using the following prayer:
Look with compassion, O God, upon the state of these holy souls.
Although they are free from fear, we yearn for their deliverance so that they will soon be able to enjoy You.
They await with hope Your infinite goodness,
assured that they will have the benefit of being delivered from all sufferings,
as we make this prayer for them through Christ our Lord.
-From Meditation 185.1 by Saint John Baptist De La Salle