There are many ways you can support Saint Mary's

If you have additional questions about methods for giving that are not answered below, please contact us by email at or by calling 507-457-6647.

Giving Options

Spread out your gift over a period of time by making your gift recurring or by scheduling payments on your gift (I.e. monthly, quarterly). When you make your gift recurring, you provide us with your credit card, debit card, or bank account you would like us to debit on the schedule you determine. During the month of Decemeber, we do not take EBT because it does not process in time for year-end. You will receive an official receipt once a year in January for gifts processed in the previous year. You remain in control; you may cancel or alter your gift at any time by calling 507-457-6647, mailing the information in on a pledge form, or Set up a recurring or scheduled gift online today.

Send a check or money order, or hand deliver cash, to: the Office of Advancement at 700 Terrace Heights #21, Winona, MN 55987. Use this pledge form to help ensure your gift is designated and credited accurately.

Mail delivery can sometimes be unreliable, and we occasionally experience lost checks. To ensure your payment reaches us securely, we recommend sending it via certified mail or using a trackable delivery method.

A wire transfer is an electronic transfer of funds from a financial institution, typically a bank, to the bank account of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. A wire transfer is a very secure way to make a gift to Saint Mary’s and benefits the university immediately upon transfer of the gift. Please contact the Office of Advancement at 507-457-6647 if you wish to make a wire transferred gift.

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota welcomes gifts of appreciated stocks and securities. Many benefactors prefer this type of gift for its simplicity and for its tax advantages. Gifts of stocks and securities can easily be transferred to the Saint Mary’s account. For additional details.

A tribute or memorial gift is a generous and thoughtful way to recognize a person’s life, milestones, and accomplishments. When you make a tribute or memorial gift, the university will send a letter to the honoree or family of the deceased honoree notifying them of your thoughtfulness (but not revealing the amount of your gift). Make a tribute or memorial gift.

Veterans Memorial

Click here to support or buy a memorial brick for the Saint Mary's Veteran's Memorial.

Through a planned gift, you can support our mission today, with cash or stock for example, or design a plan as part of your estate that extends your generosity to Saint Mary’s University beyond your lifetime. This could include gifts of real estate or tangible property. You don't have to be a certain age or extremely wealthy. You just need a plan! Learn more.

Many participating companies match employee gifts dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple match a gift! Through these matching gift programs, you have the opportunity to multiply the impact of your own contributions to Saint Mary's and its students. Find out if your company has a matching gift program.

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota College Board Code: 6632

University employees may make contributions by authorizing payroll deductions. These post-tax deductions will be made each pay period for the number of months specified. Sign up for payroll deduction.

Relationships with corporations and foundations result in philanthropic benefit for Saint Mary’s University. For more information, please contact

Saint Mary's University also appreciates the donation of items, products, or services. Gifts of this nature could be items like the donation of event tickets to help with a fundraiser, the donation of billable hours for a service like graphic design, the donation of works of art to the university, and more. There are, however, many rules and regulations that dictate the type and value of in-kind items or service the university can accept. If you are interested in an in-kind donation, call the Saint Mary's development office at 507-457-6647 to discuss the donation you would like to make. Sample Gift-in-Kind Form.